The game
Catch the bad guys, take care of the police car, explore rooms in the police station, and have fun visiting with the officers!
It’s time to report for duty at the My Town : Police Station! Will you be able to catch the bad guys? In this new game, you can make up stories about what they’ve done before they got arrested. Or perhaps there’s an adventure you can make up where you have to go undercover in one of our wigs or brand-new costumes. Learn to take care of your police car - wash it and keep it clean. Explore the different rooms in the police station and have fun seeing the fish in the officer's fish tank behind his desk. You can even interact with over 200 various items and collect hearts as you go. Collect seven hearts and you get to choose a new fish to add to his fish tank!
The only limit is your imagination when it comes to My Town!
An added bonus is the connectivity of all the My Town games. You are able to share characters from one game to the other within the My Town world of apps.
- 5 brand new locations!
- 10 characters to choose to play with, including your favorites from our first game, My Town: Home and new bad guys, policemen, and detectives.
- If you can imagine it, you can make it!
- Everything is possible in a My Town game!
- Children 4-12